Tax Investigation Service - by signing up now you will be protected up to 30 April 2025.
This level of protection is for businesses with turnover between £5m and £10m.^
^Turnover is as stated in your last approved accounts.
*PLEASE NOTE – directors/partners/company secretaries (and their spouses) that we act for personally, are automatically included when your company/partnership is signed up to the Tax Investigation Service. You do not need to sign up separately, unless you have rental/sole trade over £50,000 in your latest tax return, in which case you will need a 'Sole Trader/Landlord' or ‘business’ subscription in your own name to be protected.
**R&D - due to the sharp increase in the number of R&D enquiries opened by HMRC, and the cost of dealing with these, the price to protect against these enquiries has increased to ensure that we are still able to offer the same level of protection as in the past.
The Service will pay our fees up to a maximum of £100,000 - Please refer to the 'Service Summary' for further details.